How to find Great Attorneys if you had a Car Accident in Spartanburg?

October 18, 2020 Off By Delores V. Stalnaker

How to find Great Attorneys if you had a Car Accident in Spartanburg

Every driver had an accident of some kind sooner or later in life. It’s normal to be a part of something like this if you’re behind the steering wheel. When it happens, you need to know what must be done.

The first thing after the accident and the police report, you’ll need to find a great attorney. To do this, you’ll need to google the term auto accident lawyers near me and find who the nearest one is. However, the nearest doesn’t always mean the best choice.

In this article, we’re going to share a couple of tips and ideas when you need one. Follow up if you want to learn what you need to do if you want to be sure that you have made a perfect choice.

1. Make a list of options

When you search for the nearby lawyers, you’ll see that there are hundreds of them. Law firms and individual attorneys are all over the place. Spartanburg might not be the biggest city in the States, but there sure are plenty of lawyers in it.

The best thing to do when you’re starting your search is to make sure that you’re looking strictly for auto accident lawyers. You don’t need corporate or criminal lawyers, because they are not experts in the field. Search for car accident attorneys and make a list of all the professionals that you’ll find in a few miles radius.

2. Check out if car accidents are their main business

Most of the time, attorney firms are working in several fields. Rarely will you find a company that only has one expertise and having dozens of lawyers dealing with it. They are most of the time working in various fields.

Knowing this, it’s crucial to find out if they are working on auto accidents as their main priority. Go through all of their websites or call them on the phone. Ask them what their main line of business is? If they say that they are criminal lawyers, but they also handle car accident cases, then they are not your best choice.

You need those who are completely devoted to handling the kind of problem you’re facing. Those who are not ideal candidates, simply take them off the list and shrink your choice options. It’s always helpful to have an expertise in personal injury. Consider this knowledge as a plus. See more about it here.

3. Search for experience

When you’re sure that you’ve found several firms or individual attorneys that are experts in car accidents, then you should check their experience. Experience is vital for being a successful lawyer.

Some might think that all lawyers are the same because the law is equal for everyone, but this is not true. Experience helps lawyers to handle all the situations that might come up during the process. Those who are skilled and understand the law will struggle until they do the right job, but the experienced attorney will waste no time and handle the issue with ease.

This is why you should always look for those who are more experienced. Check out their starting date and see which one is working on these kinds of cases the longest. Those who have the most experienced should be considered more seriously.

You can shorten your list to three to five options as the most serious candidates for your choice. With the final research, you’ll know which one is the best option for you.

4. See their track record

The track record of all attorneys is a way to show how good they are. The track record is the win-lose balance made from all the cases they’ve been a part of. Those who are going to have an excellent track record means that they’ve won the most cases in their career.

If they’ve been excellent for other clients, they’ll most probably be excellent for you too. That’s why you need to choose those who are successful, rather than those who had lots of losses.

5. Client reviews and reputation

The final point through which you’ll easily find out if someone’s worth working with is the reputation among clients. On the internet, there’s a record of almost every action firms do. Individual lawyers are also working as a one-person company, so they are being reviewed online too.

Go to some of the many pages that are dealing with this matter. There are lots of them. For example, Yelp, Google, Avvo, and others. See more about them on the link:

There, you can see what people that had the chance to work with some of the attorneys you have on the list think about them. You’ll see what these companies’ reputation is through the eyes of their previous clients.

This allows you to learn everything about a particular attorney without the need to work with them. It’s the best way of finding out if someone’s good for you or not.

Clients that were willing to share their opinion can be found in the comment section. There, you can learn lots about the lawyers you’re thinking about hiring. What is their attitude, work ethic, skills, knowledge, are they able to explain perfectly everything you want and need to know, and so on.

How to find Great Attorneys if you had a Car Accident in Spartanburg

6. Making a final choice

Based on all these points above, it’s time to reach a decision. If you had some three choices left before you start reading the reviews, then you’ve reached the point when the answer might pop out on its own.

The comment section might reveal issues that you can’t go over. Problems that you are not ready to oversee just to get the job done. If you had three choices and two of them seem unacceptable, then it’s clear that the final option is your winner.


As you can see, following these steps will make the answer come by itself. You don’t have to do anything special. Just make a thorough research, and you’ll find the best option for you. Remember that being a part of a car accident requires an excellent lawyer, so don’t accept anything else but the best.